Measure C New Technology Reserve Fund

The Fresno County Voters passed an extension to the Measure C program in November 2006, continuing a half cent sales tax for transportation purposes. Much of the planning and implementation of the Measure C Program is done by Fresno COG staff, while the agency responsible for overseeing the implementation of Measure C is the Fresno County Transportation Authority (FCTA).

2024 Measure C New Technology Reserve Grant Program Application

Fresno COG is seeking proposals from eligible public agencies for advanced transit and transportation projects that have the potential for broad benefits to Fresno County residents and will assist the region in meeting its air quality goals. Fresno COG and the Fresno County Transportation Authority (FCTA) are proposing to fund projects of regional significance in the areas of research, development, demonstration, and deployment that will advance public transit and transportation. This cycle of the Measure C New Technology Reserve Program will make approximately $7.2 million available for eligible new technology projects/programs.

Measure C New Tech Grant Program 2024-2025 Grant Application

Project proposal applications for 2024 are due by July 26.

Multidisciplinary Advisory Group (MAG)

Multidisciplinary advisory group applications (MAG) for 2024 are due by June 21.

Project Proposals, MAG Applications, and questions can be directed to Simran Jhutti at

2022 Measure C New Technology Reserve Grant Program Application

The following 2022 Measure C New Technology Projects were approved for full funding:

FCRTA – Selma Charging Station

FCRTA – Kingsburg Resiliency Hub

City of Clovis – Clovis Transit ITP

Partial funding was approved for:

City of Fresno – Next Generation ITS

2020 Measure C New Technology Reserve Grant Program Application 

The following 2020 Measure C New Technology Projects were approved for full funding:

City of Fresno – Dynamic Downtown 2 Presentation
FCRTA EV-UV Presentation

Partial funding was approved for:

Fresno Air Terminal New Tech application

The following projects were awarded Measure C New Technology funding in 2018:

City of Clovis – Electric Bus Pilot Project
City of Fresno – Fresno City College Advanced Propulsion Systems Training
City of Fresno – ITS Dynamic Downtown
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency – Rural Electric Vehicle Utilization Project

The following projects were awarded Measure C New Technology funding in 2016:

Electric Bus/Rail Connector Project
Sustainable Aviation Project
Fresno State Transportation Institute Project Summary – for more information CLICK HERE to go to the FSTI webpage
Advanced Technology School Bus Project – Central & Sanger Unified School Districts

Developing the New Technology Reserve Fund Program

This first cycle of the Measure C New Technology Reserve Program made up to $10 million available for eligible new technology projects/programs.  Five projects were awarded totaling $8,023,594.  For a list of the projects funded, please click HERE.  Subsequent cycles will be biennial and will make approximately $2.8 million available plus any funds not allocated from the previous cycles, if applicable.  It is expected that up to $30 million will be made available through 2027 to fund advanced transit and transportation new technologies.  The 2018 award cycle will make $6.4 million available.

Background on development of the program

The Measure C New Technology Committee first met on January 28, 2015 to discuss the Measure C New Technology Reserve Subprogram.  The first meeting provided an overview of the Measure C program and detailed information on the funding availability for the New Technology Program.  The second committee meeting was held on March 25th where the recommendation and direction to staff was to assemble a workgroup that would focus on developing and recommending specific goals for the program, develop scope and criteria for the solicitation and project selection process, and develop a draft timeline for distribution of the funds.  The workgroup was made up of Fresno COG staff, industry, academia, public, and transit members. Seven meetings were held throughout the summer from May through September.

With the assistance of the workgroup, Fresno COG staff drafted a grant application with scoring criteria in effort to solicit projects and programs for the New Technology Grant Program and presented it to the subcommittee for their review and recommendation. The Draft application with scoring criteria was included in the TTC/PAC and Policy Board meeting agendas during the month of October.  A public meeting was held on Tuesday, October 27th at 2pm in the Sequoia Room for all interested individuals in effort to receive further input on the draft application and scoring criteria.  The meeting provided an overview of the activities of the working sub-group and an in-depth review of the New Technology Grant Program Application, Scoring Criteria and Detailed Timelines.  Members suggested minor changes to the document and staff were then incorporated into the Final Application.

Measure C New Technology Multidisciplinary Advisory Group

A 12-member Measure C New Technology Multidisciplinary Advisory Group (New Tech MAG) will be established for purposes of reviewing, evaluating, scoring and recommending projects for funding as directed by the Fresno COG Policy Board and the Fresno County Transportation Authority Board. While the New Tech MAG will make advisory recommendations to the Fresno COG Policy Board and Fresno County Transportation Authority, the final funding decisions lie in the hands of the two agency boards.

Seven positions will be appointed by the agencies or committee identified below:

  • City of Fresno
  • City of Clovis
  • East-side City
  • West-side City
  • County of Fresno
  • Fresno County Transportation Authority
  • Measure C Oversight Committee

Five positions will accept applications to sit on the MAG each cycle.

  • Business
  • Education
  • Transit
  • 2 Public Members

Contact Fresno COG staff member Simran Jhutti with any questions about this program at