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Safe Routes to School Subcommittee

The Fresno COG Policy Board established its Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) Subcommittee in 2024 to bring jurisdictions together to advise on matters pertaining to safe routes to schools within Fresno County. All SRTS Subcommittee meetings are open to the public.

Current SRTS Subcommittee Members

City of Clovis – Mayor Lynne Ashbeck, Chair

City of Coalinga – Mayor James Horn

City of Fresno – Mayor Jerry Dyer

City of Huron – Mayor Rey Leon, Vice-Chair

City of Kingsburg – Mayor Brandon Pursell

City of Mendota – Mayor Victor Martinez

City of Parlier – Mayor Alma Beltran

City of Selma – Mayor Scott Robertson

Current SRTS Subcommittee Members

Current meeting information is now available under “Agendas” at this link. Meetings are held bi-monthly on the last Thursday of the month at 4 pm.

Safe Routes to Schools Inventory

A preliminary SRTS inventory can be found as Appendix G of the Regional Active Transportation Plan. Working with the SRTS Subcommittee, school districts, and jurisdictions, COG staff is working to continue to expand and refine the inventory.