
Publications you may not find on the active work sections of the website:

Freeway Deficiency Study

Fresno COG’s Interactive Countywide Bikeways Map of Fresno, Clovisupdated July 2024

Fresno County ITS Strategic Deployment Plan

Fresno County Measure C Riparian Wildlife Reparian Wildlife Corridor Report

Fresno Freight Rail Realignment Study

Golden Draft Design Guidelines Manual

Golden State Corridor Draft Improvement Drawings

Green or Sustainability Planning

Greenprint Full Report

Highway 99 Beautification Master Plan

ITS Strategic Deployment Plan

Landscape of Choice

Old Fig Garden Community Transportation Study Draft Final Report Appendices

Old Fig Garden Community Transportation Study final report

Old Fig Garden Community Transportation Study Outreach Strategy

Retrofit Soundwall Study: Noise Study

Retrofit Sound Wall Study: Noise Study Report

San Joaquin Valley Rail Business Plan

San Joaquin Valley Rail Plan – Appendix A

San Joaquin Valley Rail Plan – Appendix A2

San Joaquin Valley Rail Plan – Appendix B

San Joaquin Valley Rail Plan – Appendix C

SR99 Business Plan

SR99 Business Plan Volume 2

SR99 Business Plan Volume 3

The Financial and Institutional Challenges to smart growth implementation

The Financial and Institutional Challenges to…

TreeTops – Final