The Transit Oriented Development (TOD) program was created by the 2006 Measure C Extension Plan. TOD projects support community-based transit projects that are developed through an inclusive planning process with broad private-public partnerships and outreach. They also improve the range of transportation choices by supporting transit facilities and improving links between facilities and activity nodes. Additionally, TOD projects support well-designed, high-density housing and mixed uses near transit.
In addition to encouraging transit supportive land use surrounding the high-capacity transit corridors to boost transit ridership in the Fresno County region, the Measure C TOD program also strives to support livable, viable and sustainable transit oriented healthy communities that promote walking, biking, and the use of public transit and reduce private vehicle dependence. Such TOD communities promote health and well-being and reduce risks for chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The projects funded by the TOD program serve as models that reduce vehicle trips, improve air quality and provide access to physical activity opportunities through integrated land use and transportation planning.
There are three subprograms under the TOD program:
- Capital Improvement Program: This program funds capital improvement projects that support transit and encourage walking and biking.
- Planning Program: This program provides funding for planning activities such as transit station area planning, transit corridor plans, etc., that will enhance transit and promote transit-oriented development.
- Housing Infill Incentive Program: This program rewards local governments for encouraging higher-density development with TOD characteristics. Funding may also be used to offset development impact fees or on a capital infrastructure project that would support TOD.
The TOD program is estimated to generate around $16.9 million over the 20-year lifespan, and accrues around $850,000 annually.
Measure C Transit-Oriented Infrastructure for Infill Development – Cycle 13
The call-for-projects for the 13th funding cycle opens Jan. 17, and applications are due March 4.
Measure C Transit-Oriented Infrastructure for Infill Development – Cycle 12
On Wednesday, August 14th Fresno County Transportation Authority Board approved four TOD projects as recommended by Fresno COG Policy Board for a total of $1,502,297. The call for projects for the 12th funding cycle opened January 12 and closed February 27, four out of five projects were selected for funding. The Cycle 12 Awarded project list is below:
City of Fresno – Street Incentive along Cesar Chavez Boulevard (Formerly Ventura Avenue) between Seventh and Eighth Streets
City of Fresno – Blackstone Avenue Smart Mobility Project between State Route 180 and Pine Avenue (south of McKinley Avenue)
City of Fowler – Downtown Streetscape Plan and Merced Street Implementation (Phase I)
City of Selma – Selma Downtown and Civic Center Transit-Oriented Improvements
The TOD Program policies and guidelines are available at:
Please contact Simran Jhutti at for any questions regarding this program.