2006 Measure C Extension Expenditure Plan
Appendix G – Citizen Oversight Committee
Committee Purpose
To inform the public and to ensure that the Measure “C” funding program revenues and expenditures are spent as promised to the public.
Administrative Issues
Committee Formation
The Committee will be formed within 6 months upon approval of the Measure “C” Extension by the voters of Fresno County in November 2006.The Citizen Oversight Committee (Committee) shall not be amended out of the Expenditure Plan. Meetings will commence when Measure “C” Extension revenues are recommended for expenditures including Expenditure Plan updates.
Selection and Duties of Committee Chair and Vice Chair
The Committee shall select a Chair and Vice Chair from the members, each of whom shall serve a one (1) year term. The duties of the Chair will be to call meetings, set agendas, and preside over meetings. The duties of the Vice chair will be to perform the same duties described above in the absence of the Chair.
Committee Meetings
The Committee will hold one formal meeting annually, with additional meetings scheduled as needed by the Committee. All Committee meetings must be held in compliance with the Brown Act. All meetings will be conducted as per “Robert’s Rules of Order.”
Subcommittee Requirements
Subcommittees: the Committee may elect to form subcommittees to perform specific parts of its purpose. All subcommittees shall have an odd number of members so that tie votes are less likely.
Committee Membership and Quorum
Membership – The Committee shall be composed of thirteen (13) members including:
Six (6) at-large public members: Five (5) who must each respectively reside in each one of the five Fresno County Supervisorial Districts; and Three (3) must reside in the Fresno-Clovis Metropolitan Area (FCMA); and two (2) must reside in the unincorporated rural area of the county, one from the east side and one from the west side of the county. One (1) must reside in an incorporated city outside of the FCMA. Seven (7) members who must each be representatives drawn from a diverse mix of interested community organizations. The members are expected to provide a balance of viewpoints.
A Quorum will be no less than seven (7) members of the Committee. An action item of the Committee may be approved by a simple majority of the quorum present.
Membership Selection
Selection Committee
Oversight Committee members will be selected by the Fresno County Mayors’ Selection Committee (the 15 mayors within Fresno County) and the Chair of the Fresno County Board of Supervisors.
Recruitment Process
Each year as terms of various members expire or as vacancies occur, annual postings of membership openings will be noticed 60 days in advance of the application process pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 99238.Potential members must submit an application to the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee will screen all applications and approve candidates for membership on the Committee.
Term of Membership
Terms of membership will be for four (4) years. No member may serve more than eight (8) years. Members will not be compensated for their service on the Committee. In an effort to maintain Committee member consistency, during the first four (4) years of the Committee, terms will be staggered with six (6) of the members to serve a four-year term, seven (7) of the members to serve a two-year term. Such assignment of terms shall be made by the Selection Committee at time of appointment. Members who are not in attendance for two (2) consecutive meetings or are not present at 50% of the Committee meetings over a 12-month period shall be replaced with a new member selected by the Selection Committee. If a member position on the Committee becomes vacant, the Selection Committee will fill the vacant position within 90 days of the date when the position became vacant. No proxy voting will be permitted.
U.S. citizen 18 years of age or older who resides in Fresno County. Not an elected official at any level government. Not a public employee from Fresno County, nor of any of the incorporated cities, in Fresno County, Caltrans, the Fresno County Transportation Authority (Authority), or the Council of Fresno County Governments (Fresno COG). Restricted to individuals without economic interest in any of the Authority’s projects. Must submit an annual statement of financial disclosure consistent with Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) rules and regulations and filed with the Authority.
Fresno COG will staff the Committee and provide technical and administrative assistance to support and publicize the Committee’s activities, with the staff assignment subject to approval of the Committee. Fresno COG services and any necessary outside services will be paid using the Fresno County Transportation Authority’s Measure “C” Extension Administration Program revenues. Expert staff may be requested to provide information and make presentations to the Committee, as needed. The cities and County of Fresno shall each provide to the Citizen Oversight Committee, on an annual basis for a specific time period prescribed, and in a timely fashion at least two weeks prior to the meeting of the Citizen Oversight Committee, a specific report on the local jurisdiction’s planned budget for Measure “C” fund expenditures and financial report on the use of those funds. The precise format of the report may be based on similar report formats for other jurisdictional monitoring but must be separate from the comprehensive agency budgets and general and enterprise fund financial reports of the cities and the County of Fresno and will be prescribed by the Citizen Oversight Committee.
The Committee may receive, review and recommend any action or revision to plans, programs, audits or projects that is within the scope of its purpose stated above. Specific responsibilities include the following:
- Receive, review, inspect, and recommend action on independent financial and performance audits related to the planning and implementation of the Measure C Extension program
- Receive, review, and recommend action on other periodic reports, studies and plans from responsible agencies including the Authority, Fresno COG, the Cities, the County or other agencies. Such reports, studies and plans must be directly related to Measure C Extension programs, revenues, or expenditures
- Review and comment upon Measure C Extension expenditures to ensure that they are consistent with the Expenditure Plan
- Annually review how sales tax receipts are being spent and publicize the results. Present Committee recommendations, findings, and requests to the public and the Authority in a formal annual report