Comprehensive Climate Action Plan
Fresno COG is in the second phase of this program, which includes the development of the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (also known as “CCAP”) for Fresno County. As part of development of the CCAP, the Fresno COG will identify and quantify greenhouse gas emissions by sector and develop strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across all sources. As part of the development of the CCAP, a refined Fresno County greenhouse gas emissions inventory will be prepared for the following sectors:
- Transportation
- Industry
- Electricity Generation/Use
- Waste/Recycle Management
- Commercial/Residential Buildings
- Agriculture
- Natural and Working Lands
Next, strategies will be identified to reduce emissions from sources of greenhouse gas emissions in Fresno County. An extensive public outreach effort will be conducted to support the development of the CCAP, as input from those who live and work in Fresno County is key in making sure the CCAP reflects the priorities of our communities!
The FINAL Priority Climate Action Plan was approved by the Fresno COG Policy Board on February 29, 2024.