Boards, Committees and Commissions

Attached are descriptions of each of Fresno COG’s standing or advisory boards, committees and commissions, as well as Valleywide committees that Fresno COG actively participates in. These groups offer the organization an excellent opportunity for expanding public participation opportunities during the transportation planning process through active membership, presentations made and received, and attendance at these open meetings. Click on the links below to find out more about each group, who staffs them and how to get involved with the work they are doing.


The following statement is placed on each Fresno COG formal meeting agenda:

“The Fresno COG offices and restrooms are ADA accessible. Representatives or individuals with disabilities should contact Fresno COG at (559) 233-4148, at least 3 days in advance, to request auxiliary aids and/or translation services necessary to participate in the public meeting / public hearing. If Fresno COG is unable to accommodate an auxiliary aid or translation request for a public hearing, after receiving proper notice, the hearing will be continued on a specified date when accommodations are available.”


View, print or download agendas created on Fresno COG’s agenda reader:

COG’s Leadership and Standing Committee Links
Valleywide Committees


Fresno COG Committees, Commissions and Boards

Active Transportation Program Multidisciplinary Advisory Group

The Active Transportation Program (ATP) Multidisciplinary Advisory Group (MAG) assists in developing and updating of the program guidelines and scoring criteria and participates in the evaluation of project applications. Participants have expertise in bicycling and pedestrian transportation, including Safe Routes to Schools projects, and in projects benefiting disadvantaged communities. The representatives are geographically balanced, representing tribal agencies, state agencies, Fresno COG, local jurisdictions in Fresno County, and nongovernmental organizations. The MAG prioritizes and ranks the applications and ensures that 25% of available funds are dedicated to projects and programs benefiting disadvantaged communities as identified in the state guidelines and in the Fresno COG Regional Competitive ATP Guidelines. The Committee meets on an as needed basis. webpage

Airport Land Use Commission of Fresno County

The The Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) protects public health, safety and welfare by ensuring that orderly development and prevention of excessive noise and safety hazards around public use airports is followed in accordance to state and local laws. ALUCs establish the policies on land uses around the airport, ensuring they are compatible with airport operations. This is done on an advisory basis. ALUCs also evaluate proposed local agency land use policy actions with relevant provisions outlined within the Fresno County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP), reviewing land use plans and individual development projects to ensure they are within the noise and safety standards outlined in the adopted ALUCP. The ALUC meets the first Monday of every other month at 2:00 pm.   webpage


Association for the Beautification of Highway 99

The Association for the Beautification of Highway 99 was formed in 1998. Its members include concerned businessmen, community activists, government agency staff and elected officials. The group’s role is to advise Caltrans, Fresno County, and the cities of Fresno, Fowler, Selma, and Kingsburg on matters relating to the aesthetics of Highway 99. Fresno COG provides staff support to the Association, and also funded the Highway 99 Beautification Master Plan of 2000, and the updated to the 2000 Master Plan which will be completed in late 2016. The
Committee meets on an as needed basis.  webpage


Congestion Management Process (CMP) Steering Committee

The CMP was developed to provide guidance to the congestion management process, which is required by the federal planning regulations. The CMP Steering Committee consists of representatives from the local cities/the County, Caltrans, transit operators, and the general public. The CMP Steering Committee has extensive technical expertise in traffic engineering, and provides advice on subjects such as traffic monitoring, traffic congestion, system performance, etc. The Committee currently works with Fresno COG on the CMP Update, and reviews and approves important matrix such as performance measures, CMP network, etc.  webpage


Environmental Justice Subcommittee

The Environmental Justice Advisory Group, structured to serve as a subcommittee of Fresno COG’s Transportation Technical Committee (TTC), assists Fresno COG staff in setting thresholds for environmental justice populations during the development of Fresno COG’s Environmental Justice Plan. The subcommittee reports all advisory recommendations to the TTC through an environmental justice representative. Then the TTC’s recommendations would be referred to the Policy Advisory Committee and Fresno COG Policy Board as needed. They convene when Fresno COG staff, the TTC, the Policy Advisory Committee or the Fresno COG Policy Board request recommendations on items involving environmental justice populations.  webpage


Fresno COG Policy Board

Policy decisions are made by the Fresno COG Policy Board. The Board comprises the mayors of each incorporated city and the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors, or their designated elected representatives. The Fresno COG Policy Board meets on the last Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at Fresno COG.  webpage

Measure C Citizen Oversight Committee

The Measure C Citizen Oversight Committee was developed as an advisory body to the Fresno COG Board and the Fresno County Transportation Authority, to inform the public, and to ensure that the Measure C funding program revenues and expenditures are spent as promised to the public. Fresno COG staffs the Committee and provides technical and administrative assistance to support and publicize the Committee’s activities, with the staff assignment subject to approval of the Committee. The Committee meets as deemed necessary on the second Thursday of the month at Fresno COG.  webpage


Measure C New Technology Multidisciplinary Advisory Committee

A 12-member Measure C New Technology Multidisciplinary Advisory Group (New Tech MAG) has been established for purposes of reviewing, evaluating, scoring and recommending projects for funding as directed by the Fresno COG Policy Board and the Fresno County Transportation Authority Board. The New Tech MAG will make advisory recommendations to the Fresno COG Policy Board and Fresno County Transportation Authority regarding Measure C New Technology Program project funding.  webpage


Measure C Transit Oriented Development Technical Advisory Committee

The Measure C TOD Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) was formed to provide guidance to the development of the Measure C TOD program. The TOD program was created as part of the transportation sales measure, Measure C, to encourage transit supportive land use, and boost transit ridership. The TOD TAC developed the TOD program guidelines and policies, which provides guidance for the annual award of grant under the TOD program. The TOD TAC also makes recommendations for any revision or update related to the TOD program Guidelines and Policies.  webpage

Measure C TOD Scoring Committee

The Measure C TOD Scoring Committee was created to provide funding recommendation for the Measure C TOD program. The TOD Scoring Committee meets annually. The Committee reviews the TOD grant applications, scores the projects, and makes funding recommendation to Fresno COG’s TTC/PAC, and Policy Board. The TOD Scoring Committee consists of COG’s member jurisdictions, Fresno County Transportation Authority (FCTA), transit operator, and public members.  webpage


Needs Assessment Committee

As a result of Fresno COG’s 2014 RTP/SCS update process, this committee was formed to guide the commissioning of a Transportation Needs Assessment study. The Committee identified the scope for the Needs Assessment study, and reviewed and provided comments to the regional gap analysis and the transportation connectivity/accessibility analysis which is part of the Needs Assessment study and currently being conducted by a consultant team.  webpage


Policy Advisory Committee

The Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) is composed of the Chief Administrative Officer or City Manager of each member agency or their designated representative. With the exception of urgency matters, all items must first be considered by the PAC before submission to the Policy Board. The PAC meets on the second Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at Fresno COG.


Regional Safety Committee

The Regional Safety Committee was formed to provide guidance on the annual safety performance targets and the regional approach to address safety challenges in Fresno County. The Committee consists of representatives from the cities/County, Caltrans, bike/ped groups as well as transit agencies. The Committee meets annually.


Regional Transportation Plan Roundtable

This committee guides Fresno COG’s Regional Transportation Plan while it is undergoing an update. RTPs must be updated every four years; however, it takes over two years to implement and complete the update process. The 39-member Roundtable is comprised of 16 representatives from each of Fresno COG’s member agencies, 20 positions for public agencies and stakeholder groups, and three positions for those who represent the public-at-large. The RTP Roundtable meets monthly, at 2:00 pm on the fourth Wednesday.  webpage


RHNA Subcommittee

The RHNA subcommittee comprises representatives from local governments and housing stakeholders in the region. The subcommittee will provide guidance and recommendation on the methodology of RHNA housing allocation as well as the development of RHNA plan. The subcommittee is an advisory body and makes recommendation to TTC/PAC and Policy Board. The committee meets on an as needed basis.



The SB 743 Technical Committee provides input to the Fresno County SB 743 regional guideline development process. The committee consists of representatives from local governments, Caltrans, transit agencies, development communities, traffic engineering consultants, and CEQA law firms. The 28 local government representatives on the committee report back to their agencies on the regional recommendation and advise the local guidelines development process. The committee meets on an as needed basis.


Social Services Transportation Advisory Council

The Fresno COG Policy Board established its Social Service Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC) in 1988 to review transit issues with emphasis on annually identifying transit needs within Fresno County.  Transit needs include those of transit-dependent and transit-disadvantaged persons, including the elderly, disabled and persons of limited means. This Advisory Council is consistent with State law (SB 498, Chapter 673, 1987), which mandates both the purpose and minimum membership of this body. All SSTAC meetings are open to the public. Citizens can request to be placed on the mailing list to receive committee agendas. SSTAC meets the third Tuesday of the month, January through June or as needed. webpage


Transportation Technical Committee

The Transportation Technical Committee (TTC) serves as a standing committee that reviews materials and issues monthly before forwarding them to the Policy Advisory Committee. Membership includes member agency staff and representatives from a wide variety of transportation and community interest groups. The TTC meets on the second Friday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at Fresno COG.