Public Transit Planning

Social Service Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC)

The Fresno COG Policy Board established its Social Service Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC) in 1988 to review transit issues with emphasis on annually identifying transit needs within Fresno County. Transit needs include those of transit-dependent and transit-disadvantaged persons, including the elderly, disabled and persons of limited means. This Advisory Council is consistent with State law (SB 498, Chapter 673, 1987), which mandates both the purpose and minimum membership of this body. All SSTAC meetings are open to the public.

The Unmet Public Transit Needs Assessment

At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Fresno COG must determine the amount of TDA funds available from the TDA Local Transportation Fund (LTF) for allocation to local agencies within Fresno County. Allocations are made in four categories: Bicycle and pedestrian facilities, social service transportation, regional transportation planning, and public transportation. In certain cases, funding from the public transportation category can be applied to local streets and roads in individual jurisdictions if a finding has been made that there are no unmet transit needs that are reasonable to meet within the jurisdiction; however, public transit must be given priority. As a result, prior to allocating LTF funds for any use other than public transit in the public transportation category, the Fresno COG must identify any unmet public transit needs that may exist in Fresno County that are reasonable to meet.  The Unmet Transit Needs Assessment process is conducted to identify any unmet transit needs and make any related findings.  Learn more

Transit Productivity Evaluations

This Transit Productivity Evaluation process is conducted to identify, analyze and recommend potential productivity improvements which could lower the operating costs.

2022 Transit Productivity Evaluation

Triennial Performance Audit

FY 2018/19 – FY 2020/21
Clovis Transit Services
Fresno Area Express
Fresno Council of Governments
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency
Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission

FY 2015/16 – FY 2017/18
Clovis Transit Services
Fresno Area Express
Fresno Council of Governments
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency
Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission

Regional Long-Range Transit Plan

The Fresno County Regional LongRange Transit Plan will provide guidance for the future investment in the public transportation system in Fresno County. The Plan will detail how to provide and preserve a sustainable, safe, integrated and efficient transit system which will enhance Fresno’s economy and livability. more…

YARTS – Public Transit to Yosemite: Seasonal service  

YARTS (Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System) is public transit in the Yosemite region, with buses entering Yosemite Valley from Fresno, Merced, Mammoth Lakes, and Sonora—as well as many different towns along the way. Visit the link provided below to find out more and plan your next trip to Yosemite utilizing YARTS.

Title VI Programs

Fresno Area Express Title VI Report – 2022
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency – adopted June 26, 2014

Short Range Transit Plans

Fresno Clovis Metropolitan Area (FCMA) – Fresno Area Express (FAX) and Clovis Transit – FCMA Short-Range Transit Plan 2024-2028
Rural Fresno County Area Plan (Fresno County Rural Transit Agency) –  FCRTA Short Range Transit Plan 2022-2026

FAX FCRTA Consolidated Transportation Service Agency

2021-2022 FAX FCRTA Operations Program and Budget

Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission Transit Systems, Consolidated Transportation Service Agency

2018-2019 Fresno County EOC Operations Program and Budget

Clovis Urban Area Consolidated Transportation Service Agency

2021-2022 Clovis CTSA Operations Program and Budget
2018 CTSA Draft Budget for 2018-2019

Public Transportation Infrastructure Study

Following the planning process established during the San Joaquin Blueprint Study, Fresno COG’s Public Transportation Infrastructure Study (PTIS) began in earnest at the end of 2008 in an effort to identify strategies for transportation investments and land use policies that would result in measurable reductions in vehicle miles travelled (VMT) and improve mobility choices for greater Fresno County residents. The PTIS Study makes recommendations for investments, the timing of those investments, and funding sources augmenting Measure C sales tax revenue to pay for them. In addition, the PTIS study makes policy recommendations that will be important to be adopted by City and County elected officials and planning administrators in order to shape future growth in such a way that it supports the transit investments.

Fresno County Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan

Fresno County Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan

Other Transit-Related Plans and Publications

Web Links – Light Rail Page – Personal Rapid Transit – Monorail information – Bus Rapid Transit – Skyweb Express
Google Transit – Search your area for a transportation service that is open to the public, and operates with fixed schedules and routes