Doing Business with Fresno COG

Fresno COG Request for Proposals

2021-22 – 2023-23 Transportation Development Act Triennial Performance Audits

The Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG) is requesting proposals from consultants to conduct triennial performance audits for Fresno COG and the four transit operators in Fresno County that receive Transportation Development Act (TDA) funding. This request covers a total of five audits for 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24.

Fresno COG is required, pursuant to Section 99246 (a) of the California Public Utilities Code Section 99246 and Title 21 of the California Administrative Code, Section 6664.5, to conduct a triennial performance audit of itself and the three transit operators that the FCOG allocates funds to under Article IV of the Transportation Development Act. These operators are Fresno Area Express (FAX), City of Clovis Public Transit, and Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA). The audit will also include Fresno Economic Commission (Fresno EOC) — the contractor to the Urban CTSA and Rural CTSA.

The performance audits shall evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of the operation of the entity being audited and shall include, but not limited to, a verification of the operator’s operating cost per passenger, operating cost per vehicle service hour, passengers per vehicle service hour, passengers per vehicle service mile, and vehicle service hours per employee, as defined in Section 99247 of the TDA.

The proposals are DUE by Monday, August 5, 2024, at 4 pm. For any questions, please contact Jennifer Rodriguez,


Access for All Call for Projects for Cycle 4, Fiscal Year 2024-24

The California Public Utilities Commission’s (CPUC) Transportation Network Company (TNC) Access for All Program funds this call for projects. The TNC Access for All Program incentivizes on-demand transportation service for people with disabilities statewide.

The CPUC created the Access for All Program to implement Senate Bill (SB) 1376, which calls for a program for persons with disabilities — including wheelchair users who need a wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) — to access TNC services.

Funding comes from an access fee of $0.10 collected from each TNC trip originating in California. TNCs may “offset” the fees due to the CPUC by the amounts they spent quarterly to improve WAV service in each geographic area. Any fees remaining are distributed to Local Access Fund Administrators (LAFAs). In areas where no organization has assumed the role of LAFA, there will be a statewide Access Fund Administrator.

On Aug. 5, 2020, Fresno COG’s Board voted to serve as the Local Access Fund Administrator. Had Fresno COG chosen not to assume this role, the fees collected in this region would go to the statewide Access Fund Administrator to create a program for Fresno County.

The Call for Projects are DUE by Friday, August 2, 2024 at 4pm. For any questions, please contact Jake Martinez,

View and download the Call for Projects – Access for All for Fiscal Year 2024/25.

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