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Fresno COG Past Conformity Determinations

View past Conformity documents:

2019 FTIP

Corresponding 2020 Conformity Analysis for the 2019 FTIP #12 and 2018 RTP #3 Amendments – COG Approved

2019 Conformity Analysis for 2019 FTIP Amendment #6 and 2018 RTP Amendment #2

2015 Ozone Conformity Analysis for 2019 FTIP Amendment #3 and 2018 RTP Amendment #1.

Conformity Analysis for the 2018 RTP and 2019 FTIP Update

2017 FTIP

Conformity Analysis for the 2017 Federal Transportation Improvement Program and 2014 Regional Transportation Plan
FHWA Approval Letter for the Conformity Analysis for the 2017 FTIP and the 2014 RTP-12/16/2016

2015 FTIP

Transportation Conformity Analysis for the 2015 FTIP Amendment #8, the 2014 RTP Amendment #1, the 2008 Ozone and 2012 PM 2.5 Standards
FHWA Approval Letter for the 2015 FTIP Amendment #8, 2014 RTP Amendment #1, 2008 Ozone, and 2012 PM2.5 Standards-12/31/15
Transportation Conformity Analysis for the 2015 FTIP and the 2014 RTP
FHWA Approval Letter for the 2014 RTP– 12/12/2014
FHWA Approval Letter for the 2015 FTIP 12/15/2014
Conformity for the 2008 Ozone Standard-May 2013
FHWA Approval 7/8/2013
Transportation Conformity Analysis for the 2013 FTIP and RTP Amendment #2

2011 FTIP

FHWA Approval 12/14/2012
2011 Conformity for the FTIP Amendment #3; RTP Amendment #1
Announcement Letter
Final July 2010 Conformity Determination for the 2011 RTP and FTIP
2011 Regional Transportation Plan
2011 Federal Transportation Improvement Program
2011 FHWA Approval Conformity Document